Obstacles can be good, bad, or ugly! The truth is you are powerless over what daily obstacles come your way. Therefore, what you need to keep in mind is:
“The Obstacle Is The Path.”
— Zen Proverb
- The Path
- Understanding Obstacles
- Types of Responses in You to Obstacle
- You versus Obstacle
- Overcoming Obstacle
- Who Is Your Mentor to Help You Solve Your Obstacle?
- How I Overcame One of My Major Life Obstacles
- My Mega Obstacle
- Advice from Others
- Self-Confidence and Persistence
- My dear friends, if I can do it, anyone can do it!
- You are Powerful
- Your Success is My Success!
- World War II: Dunkirk Evacuation
- British Dilemma
- Bravery and Courage
- Dunkirk Miracle
- Overcoming Obstacles in Your Life
- Never Exit from Your Path
The Path
The obstacle is the path to your dream destination, which may be success, love, or fortune! But I want to warn you that this path is not easy.

If it was easy, everyone would do it, and everyone would be a Michael Jordan, or any other celebrity of your choice. On the contrary, it is a narrow, winding, uphill path, with unexpected storms, difficulties, and setbacks. Yes, a path filled with obstacles. You need to keep in mind, that the intensity of these obstacles is variable. It is usually directly proportional to the intensity of your inner desire in life.

If that is the case, you need to have a good understanding of obstacles, and formulate an effective life strategy that works to your advantage, to beat your competition, to attain peace and happiness, and to take you to the final destination you desire.
Understanding Obstacles
Let us ask a simple question first: What are obstacles? Dictionary.com defines an obstacle as “something that obstructs or hinders your progress.” Yes, obstacles clearly obstruct you like a roadblock. Obstacles stand between you and your goal or destination.
Types of Responses in You to Obstacle
Once an obstacle presents itself, it triggers at least three responses in you: a thought response, an emotional response, and a physical response. Your response usually is strongly influenced by your thoughts and your emotions, which are aroused by the obstacle at hand. If you feel the obstacle is huge and unsurmountable, your emotional overflow may be that you don’t know what to do, you feel helpless, or you feel you have failed. This response can cause internal pain, anguish, and a sense of worthlessness, possibly causing you soon to succumb to this obstacle. It may suck up any and all passion you have and leave you dry.
You versus Obstacle
If you do give in to the obstacle, then it is game over, curtain, and exit time! Not good. Hence, remember, whenever obstacles come your way, and they surely will, you can never give in to them. You must overcome an obstacle or the obstacle will overcome you!
Overcoming Obstacle
Have a positive attitude toward your uninvited guests: obstacles. Look out for them, and when they come, receive them warmly and react in a powerful manner. Tell yourself, “Yes, I can solve this problem, this difficulty, this obstacle, and I will be back on track toward my dream destination.” This attitude keeps you in the best mental framework so you will be able to find effective solutions to the obstacle. In the unlikely event that you are unable to solve it, find an alternative route by working your way around the obstacle, but always keep your destination in your crosshairs, and always move forward; never stop or become stagnant.
Who Is Your Mentor to Help You Solve Your Obstacle?
I like what Napoleon Hill talks about when it comes to self-confidence and success. He asks you to look in the mirror and get acquainted with the person you see. Most of us know very little about ourselves and our self-destructive habitual thoughts and actions that hinder all progress and erode the power and passion in our dreams. You need to be self-confident and tell yourself that you can solve the problem, the obstacle that has come your way. Then use all your resources toward solving the problem. Remember, every problem has a solution, just like every lock has a key. You just need to find the key that unlocks the obstacle in front of you. Read my previous blogs on success, courage, and action for additional support in finding that key.

How I Overcame One of My Major Life Obstacles
Having completed my medical studies and graduated as a new medical doctor in India, I arrived in the United States with $10 in my pocket and a huge dream that was bigger than my brain! I wanted to get an ophthalmology residency. Little did I realize then that ophthalmology was one of the most difficult, if not the most difficult, specialties to get into. It is a highly competitive specialty for American medical graduates.
My Mega Obstacle
This difficulty immediately made my obstacle 10X or maybe even 100X greater. Why? Because I am a foreign medical graduate competing with American graduates to get into one of the most coveted medical specialties in the US, meaning in the world!
Advice from Others
When I asked the advice of other medical doctors, they told me to forget about it and pick an easier specialty to get into. Some even laughed at me when I mentioned my dream of getting into ophthalmology. They thought I was crazy even to seek a specialty so clearly out of my reach.
Self-Confidence and Persistence
I don’t remember if I used the mirror technique mentioned above. But despite all the discouragements, I knew deep inside my heart that I would get into ophthalmology. I had the self-confidence, and my self-confidence comes from my faith—my strong inner belief that my dream will come true! Hence, powered by this strong inner passion, combined with a burning desire, and a longing to become an ophthalmologist, I kept trying with strong persistence. To make a long story short, believe it or not, I got into an ophthalmology residency by God’s grace. And not just any residency program, but one of the finest Ivy League programs, namely, at the University of Pennsylvania.

My dear friends, if I can do it, anyone can do it!
You are Powerful
I believe in you! I want you to repeat after me right now, these words, “Yes, I can do what my heart desires within reason, as long as I am persistent, and overcome all obstacles in my way.” Every morning, look in the mirror, look at yourself, and say “Yes I can, and I will do it.”
Your Success is My Success!
My friends, the greatest happiness I will have is when I hear of your success. Together, we make this world a better place for everyone to live more harmoniously together!
World War II: Dunkirk Evacuation
British Dilemma
Let us look at one of the major obstacles the British had to face during World War II between May 26 and June 4, 1940, at the seaport of Dunkirk, a small coastal town in France. The Allied forces were sandwiched between the German forces on one side and the English Channel on the other. The English Channel is the narrow extension of the Atlantic Ocean that separates England’s southern coast from France’s northern coast. Freedom and safety meant that the British troops had to get to England by crossing the English Channel before the German panzers closed in.
Bravery and Courage
Because of this mega obstacle, the situation could have appeared as a hopelessly lost cause. However, bravery, courage, and a resolute focus overcame this mega-obstacle through the use of Royal navy ships and hundreds of tiny civilian boats all working together in an evacuation attempt.
Dunkirk Miracle
A miracle happened at Dunkirk! In the end, about 198,000 British and 140,000 French and Belgian troops were saved. This was possible because they overcame obstacles and had the good fortune of Hitler’s halt order at Dunkirk.

Overcoming Obstacles in Your Life
Never Exit from Your Path
Frank A. Clark said, “If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.” In your pursuit of success, your path will usually be studded with various obstacles of varying magnitude, all waiting to stop you. You must not waver in your determination, courage, and pursuit of success. You must overcome obstacles by finding alternative solutions. In the process, you will continue to grow and become a stronger individual. Be persistent. As Winston Churchill said, “Never, never, never give up.”
References and Further Reading
- https://www.dictionary.com/browse/obstacle
- https://www.britannica.com/event/Dunkirk-evacuation
- https://nationalinterest.org/blog/reboot/hitler%E2%80%99s-greatest-mistake-ever-halt-order-dunkirk-169236

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Dr. TJ, Your blog on obstacle is impressive since you gave a positive meaning and approach to obstacle and made obstacle as a stepping stone for achieving success or anything that your heart desires. Thx for making us think obstacle as a path to success and to keep moving forward and not exit form your path. This is my perspective on obstacle! Music is an element of upliftment and spirit and is a great healer. Seven notes in all its permutations and combinations is all that is available to mankind for the creation of music. The sound of music goes beyond culture race, religion, any boundaries , barriers and any resistance and grows within us without any obstacle.
Thank you for the positive comments about this blog on obstacles. The more we learn how to effectively handle obstacles, the better our lives will be.
Outstanding and thought provoking information
That can improve an individual’s growth and development. Well done.
Thank you Tony. I am glad that you liked this blog.
Dr. TJ,
Thank you. I came away with the lesson that “Obstacles are to be expected”.
And that if you expect something, even if you don’t know exactly what, overcoming it becomes easier.
Thanks again
I agree with what you say. It is all about the mind set first. The next step following the mind set is to focus on the obstacle and try to solve it or overcome the obstacle that has presented itself. Lastly, if for any reason you are stuck and unable to resolve or unlock the obstacle then go around the obstacle and continue on your important journey in life towards your success destination and never stop on your way.
I liked the breakdown of the different responses to an obstacle. Being aware of these is the first step in being able to appropriately respond to an obstacle.
Obstacles will always be present. If you give up simply because the obstacle is there, you will never experience the learning that comes from making the effort. Many times the effort propels you towards your goal with a new perspective that will help with future obstacles. It should be understood as well, that many times that effort, that going around the obstacle, can open your eyes to a new vision of what it is you really want. It is so critical that your goals are truly YOUR goals and not the goals others have for you. And guess what, if you do decide that you have a different goal than you originally thought, there will be obstacles there as well. Obstacles should not be feared, they should be embraced as a means of helping you understand who you really are.