Emotional Intelligence: The Secret to Building Strong Relationships and Achieving Success

Improve Quality of Life through Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence, What is it?

Your emotions affect your state of mind.

Further, your state of mind impacts your actions.

Also, your actions impact your quality of life.

As a result, emotions have an impact on your life.

You can experience highs and lows based on your emotions. Your emotions can either make you happy or sad, wealthy or poor. Deborah Rozman once stated, “If you don’t manage your emotions, your emotions will manage you.”

To sail through life’s journey positively, it is helpful to be aware of your emotions and those of others.

Emotional intelligence is said to be the ability to recognize, understand, and manage your emotions and those of others. It includes skills that enable us to move through social situations and relate with people properly.

In the 1990s, psychologists Peter Salovey and John Mayer (1) developed the concept of emotional intelligence. Daniel Goleman, a psychologist, and science journalist, later made the term popular in his 1995 book “Emotional Intelligence: Why It May Matter More Than IQ.” (2)

Goleman identified five crucial aspects of emotional intelligence, which can be viewed or looked at as follows:

  1. Self-awareness: is the ability to identify and understand one’s thoughts, feelings, and potential.
  • Self-regulation: The ability to control your behavior and emotions in different situations and adapt to changing circumstances.
  • Motivation: the drive to achieve goals, the ability to keep going in the face of challenges, and being ready to learn from errors.
  • Empathy: The ability to understand, respond to, and form strong ties with others’ feelings is known as empathy.
  • Social skills: The ability to relate well with others, resolve differences, and work together as a team.

According to research, emotional intelligence is a crucial factor of success in life, both personally and in the professional world. Relationships, work happiness, and mental health are generally better for someone with vital emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence also helps in being more dynamic, able to lead your team, and able to manage the level of stress in your everyday life.

Brain Centers and Emotional Intelligence:

The brain is crucial for emotional Intelligence development.

The limbic system creates our emotions. The limbic system is deep inside the brain and includes the amygdala, hippocampus, and other structures. These parts of the brain process environmental information, interpret it considering our past experiences and memories and generate emotional responses.

The prefrontal cortex has an impact on emotional Intelligence as well. It is located in the front of the brain. The prefrontal cortex regulates higher-order cognitive functions like decision-making, problem-solving, and self-control. It is crucial for managing our emotional reactions since it can enhance or reduce limbic system impulses.

Those with high emotional intelligence have stronger connections between the limbic system and the prefrontal cortex, which aids in better emotional regulation.

They are better at understanding and being able to manage their emotions in a way that is appropriate for the situation.

They are also more adept at reading social cues and being able to properly respond to the emotions of others around them, which increases their ability for empathy.

Research suggests that various brain training techniques, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness meditation, and other mental exercises, enhance emotional Intelligence. By strengthening the connections between the limbic system and the prefrontal cortex, we can improve our ability to regulate our emotions, cope with stress, and develop stronger relationships with others.

Emotional and mental processes are closely intertwined, and each can significantly impact the other.

Thoughts and beliefs can influence our emotions, but emotions can also affect our thoughts and behaviors.

When we experience an event, our brain examines the sensory input and generates an explanation or hypothesis of what happened. This idea may set up an automatic and unconscious emotional response.

For instance, we can believe, “I did a terrific job,” or “I am competent and valued,” when we receive positive feedback. These ideas elicit pleasant emotions like pleasure, pride, or contentment.

On the other hand, unwise concepts can trigger unfavorable feelings like sorrow, rage, or worry.

For instance, if we receive criticism at work, we can think, “I am a failure” or “I will never achieve.” These unpleasant concepts may cause people to experience sadness, rage, or fear.

Yet, thoughts and feelings do not interact solely.

Our emotions have an impact on our thoughts and deeds.

For instance, when we are anxious or worried, we could interpret events adversely or foresee the future negatively.

When we are happy and hopeful, we are more inclined to see opportunities and possibilities around us.

The links between thoughts and emotions are numerous. But by becoming more conscious of our emotions and thoughts, we may strengthen our capacity for self-control and cultivate a more upbeat and successful mindset.

With techniques like cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness meditation, and positive self-talk, we can learn to reframe negative thoughts, manage our emotions, and develop a more positive outlook on life.

Advantages of Mastering Emotional Intelligence: 

Developing emotional intelligence has numerous personal and professional advantages.

Increasing emotional intelligence has the benefits listed below:

  1. More profound knowledge of oneself: By understanding your emotions and reactions, you can identify patterns in your behavior and make alterations to improve your relationships with other people and decision-making.
  1. Improved communication: When you have emotional intelligence, you can communicate clearly and empathically, understand people’s perspectives, and avoid misunderstandings and disputes.
  1. Emotionally intelligent leaders exhibit more team member inspiration and motivation, higher levels of trust, and decision-making that considers the needs and feelings of others.
  1. More resiliency: Emotional intelligence can help you maintain a positive attitude and control your emotions. 
  1. Building more substantial, meaningful relationships with family, friends, coworkers, and love partners is possible when you are more sensitive to others’ feelings and communicate more clearly.
  1. Improved job satisfaction: Those with high emotional intelligence frequently report feeling happier at work because they are more adept at negotiating interpersonal dynamics, controlling stress, and collaborating.

Work on enhancing your self-awareness, empathy, and communication abilities. You may forge more robust connections, navigate challenges more efficiently, and achieve your personal and professional goals more assuredly.

In the end, increasing your emotional intelligence can improve your life’s effectiveness, satisfaction, and fulfillment.

Ways to Strengthen Emotional Intelligence:

Emotional intelligence is not a static quality. We can develop emotional Intelligence over time and with practice.

There are several methods to improve emotional intelligence, some of which are as follows:

  1. Using self-reflection and self-awareness.
  • Developing mindfulness and other self-control techniques.
  • Asking for feedback from others and being open to criticism.
  • Developing empathy and the ability to comprehend the perspectives of others.
  • Building solid relationships with others through working together and effectively communicating.

Using these strategies, you can improve your emotional intelligence and become more logical, resilient, and kind.

For more on Emotional Intelligence Visit drtjnewsletter.com


  1. https://sites.tufts.edu/eeseniordesignhandbook/2014/emotional-intelligence/#:~:text=In%201990%2C%20Salovey%20and%20Mayer,guide%20one’s%20thinking%20and%20action.%22
  2. https://www.amazon.com/Emotional-Intelligence-Matter-More-Than/dp/055338371X?asin=055338371X&revisionId=&format=4&depth=1

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DrTJ is a motivational speaker, drummer, dancer, podcaster, blogger, published author, and Harvard-trained surgeon.